To invoke the bootstrap compiler, first one has to change the current working directory to src/system:
$ cd src/system
The next step is to start the interactive system and load the bootstrap compiler. This can be done in one of two ways:
$ sml Standard ML of New Jersey ... - CM.autoload "$smlnj/"; ... val it = true : bool -
$ sml '$smlnj/' Standard ML of New Jersey ... -
Note for frequent compiler hackers: The makeml script (see below) builds the the interactive system in such a way that $smlnj/ is already pre-registered for autoloading. Therefore, when using an interactive system built by makeml (as opposed to the original config/ there is no need for loading the bootstrap compiler explicitly.
At this point one can invoke the bootstrap compiler by simply issuing the command CMB.make():
- CMB.make ();
If CMB.make() does not run to successful completion, you do not have to start from the beginning. Instead, fix the problem at hand and re-issue CMB.make() without terminating the interactive session in between. This tends to be a lot faster than starting over.
This process can be repeated arbitrarily many times until CMB.make() is successful.
A successful run looks like this:
- CMB.make (); ... New boot directory has been built. val it = true : bool -
The return value of true indicates success. This means that (as indicated by the message above the return value) a directory with stable libraries and some other special files that are needed for ``booting'' a new interactive system has been created.
The name of the boot directory depends on circumstances. A part of it can be chosen freely, other parts depend on current architecture and operating system. For example, on a Sparc system running some version of Unix, the default name of the directory is sml.boot.sparc-unix.
There is also a similarly-named em binfile directory which is used by CMB.make() itself but which is not required for the purpose of subsequent ``boot'' steps.