- Left to right:
- Lal George, David MacQueen, John Reppy, Zhong Shao, Lorenz Huelsbergen, Emden Gansner, Matthias Blume, and Andrew Appel.
Currently, the main participants in the development and maintenance of SML/NJ are:
The University of Chicago David MacQueen John Reppy Princeton University Andrew Appel Cornell University Riccardo Pucella
Yale Univ. (The FLINT project) Zhong Shao Christopher League Stefan Monnier Bratin Saha Valery Trifonov
Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago Matthias Blume Network-Speed Technologies, Inc. Lal George Bell Laboratories Lorenz Huelsbergen
AT&T Research Emden Gansner New York University Allen Leung The SML/NJ system also owes a great deal to many people who have made contributions over the years. Some have contributed directly to the development of the compiler, tools, and libraries, while others have contributed by testing the compiler and reporting bugs, often with fixes.