The RegExpSyntax structure

The RegExpSyntax structure provides an abstract-syntax-tree representation of regular expressions. Its main purpose is to provide communication between different front-ends (implementing different RE specification languages), and different back-ends (implementing different compilation/searching algorithms). It is also possible, however, to use it as a way to directly specify a regular expression for a back-end engine.


structure RegExpSyntax : REGEXP_SYNTAX


exception CannotCompile

structure CharSet : ORD_SET where type Key.ord_key = char

datatype syntax
  = Group of syntax
  | Alt of syntax list
  | Concat of syntax list
  | Interval of (syntax * int * int option)
  | MatchSet of CharSet.set
  | NonmatchSet of CharSet.set
  | Char of char
  | Begin
  | End

val optional : syntax -> syntax
val closure : syntax -> syntax
val posClosure : syntax -> syntax

val fromRange : char * char -> CharSet.set
val addRange : CharSet.set * char * char -> CharSet.set

val allChars : CharSet.set

val alnum : CharSet.set
val alpha : CharSet.set
val ascii : CharSet.set
val blank : CharSet.set
val cntl : CharSet.set
val digit : CharSet.set
val graph : CharSet.set
val lower : CharSet.set
val print : CharSet.set
val punct : CharSet.set
val space : CharSet.set
val upper : CharSet.set
val word : CharSet.set
val xdigit :


exception CannotCompile

This exception is meant to be raised by back-ends when they encounter a feature that they cannot handle.

structure CharSet : ORD_SET where type Key.ord_key = char

This substructure implements sets of 8-bit characters. Currently it is implemented using sorted lists (i.e., using the ListSetFn functor), but that may be changed in the future.

datatype syntax

This datatype defines the abstract syntax of regular expressions that is supported by the library. The constructors are defined as follows:

  • Group re:: defines a match group (i.e., that produce a corresponding match-tree node for the input matched by re.

  • Alt[re1, re2, …​, ren]:: matches any of re1, re2, …​, ren. If the list is empty, then it matches nothing.

  • Concat[re1, re2, …​, ren]:: matches the concatenation of re1, re2, …​, ren. If the list is empty, then it matches the empty string.

  • Interval(re, n, NONE):: matches re repeated at least n times.

  • Interval(re, n, SOME m):: matches re repeated from n to m times.

  • MatchSet cs:: matches a single character that is in the set cs.

  • NonmatchSet cs:: matches a single character that is not in the set cs.

  • Char c:: matches the single character c.

  • Begin:: matches beginning of the input stream.

  • End:: matches end of the input stream.

val optional : syntax → syntax

optional re is equivalent to Interval(re, 0, SOME 1).

val closure : syntax → syntax

closure re is equivalent to Interval(re, 0, NONE).

val posClosure : syntax → syntax

posClosure re is equivalent to Interval(re, 1, NONE).

val fromRange : char * char -> CharSet.set

fromRange (c1, c2) returns the set containing the characters in the range from c1 to c2 (inclusive). This expression raises the Size exception if c2 < c1.

val addRange : CharSet.set * char * char -> CharSet.set

addRange (cs, c1, c2) adds the set of characters in the range from c1 to c2 (inclusive) to cs. This expression raises the Size exception if c2 < c1.

val allChars : CharSet.set

is the set of all 8-bit characters.

POSIX Character Classes

The RegExpSyntax structure pre-defines the following character sets, which are part of the POSIX regular-expression standard (plus a couple of extras):

val alnum : CharSet.set

is the set of letters and digits.

val alpha : CharSet.set

is the set of letters.

val ascii : CharSet.set

is the set of characters c such that 0 <= ord c <= 127.

val blank : CharSet.set

is the set of #"\t" and space.

val cntl : CharSet.set

is the set of non-printable characters.

val digit : CharSet.set

is the set of decimal digits.

val graph : CharSet.set

is the set of visible characters (does not include space).

val lower : CharSet.set

is the set of lower-case letters.

val print : CharSet.set

is the set of printable characters (includes space).

val punct : CharSet.set

is the set of visible characters other than letters and digits.

val space : CharSet.set

is the set of #"\t", #"\r", #"\n", #"\v", #"\f", and space.

val upper : CharSet.set

is the set of upper-case letters.

val word : CharSet.set

is the set of letters, digit, and #"_".

val xdigit : CharSet.set

is the set of hexadecimal digits.