The HashCons Library supports the implementation of hash-consed representations of data structures. Such representations are useful to reduce space usage by sharing common substructures and to provide constant-time equality testing for large structures.
To use this library, you need to use a two-level definition of your data structures. For example, we might define a hash-cons representation of lambda terms as follows:
structure HC = HashCons
type var = HashConsString.obj
datatype term_node
= VAR of var
| LAM of (var * term)
| APP of (term * term)
withtype term = term_node HC.obj
And you need to define an equality function on your terms (this function can use the hash-cons identity on subterms). For example, here is the equality function for our lambda terms:
fun eq (APP(t11, t12), APP(t21, t22)) = HC.same(t11, t21) andalso HC.same(t12, t22)
| eq (LAM(x, t1), LAM(y, t2)) = HC.same(x, y) andalso HC.same(t1, t2)
| eq (VAR x, VAR y) = HC.same(x, y)
| eq _ = false
With the equality function defined, we can then create a hash-cons table:
val tbl = HC.new {eq = eq}
And define constructor functions:
val mkAPP = HC.cons2 tbl (0wx1, APP)
val mkLAM = HC.cons2 tbl (0wx3, LAM)
val mkVAR = HC.cons1 tbl (0wx7, VAR)
val var = HW.mk
Note that we pick successive prime numbers for the constructor hash codes. Using these constructors, we can construct the representation of the identity function "\(\lambda{} x . x\)" as follows:
mkLAM(var "x", mkVAR(var "x"))
In addition to term construction, this library also supports finite sets and maps using the unique hash-cons codes as keys.
structure HashCons
The main module in the library, which defines the basic types and various utility functions.
structure HashConsAtom
Code to package the
type as a hash-consed object. structure HashConsBool
Code to package the
type as a hash-consed object. structure HashConsInt
Code to package the
type as a hash-consed object. structure HashConsMap
Implements finite maps keyed by hash-consed objects.
structure HashConsString
Code to package the
type as a hash-consed object. structure HashConsSet
Implements finite sets of hash-consed objects.
structure HashConsWord
Code to package the
type as a hash-consed object. functor HashConsGroundFn
A functor for implementing new leaf types as hash-consed objects.