The HashConsMap structure

The HashConsMap structure implements functional, finite maps keyed by hash-consed objects. A balanced tree structure is used in the representation.


signature HASH_CONS_MAP
structure HashConsMap : HASH_CONS_MAP


type 'a obj = 'a HashCons.obj

type ('a, 'b) map

val isEmpty : ('a, 'b) map -> bool

val singleton : ('a obj * 'b) -> ('a, 'b) map

val insert  : ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj * 'b -> ('a, 'b) map
val insert' : (('a obj * 'b) * ('a, 'b) map) -> ('a, 'b) map

val insertWith  : (('b * 'b) -> 'b)
      -> ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj * 'b -> ('a, 'b) map
val insertWithi :  (('a obj * 'b * 'b) -> 'b)
      -> ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj * 'b -> ('a, 'b) map

val find : ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj -> 'b option

val lookup : ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj -> 'b

val inDomain : (('a, 'b) map * 'a obj) -> bool

val remove : ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj -> ('a, 'b) map * 'b

val empty : ('a, 'b) map

val numItems : ('a, 'b) map ->  int

val listItems  : ('a, 'b) map -> 'b list
val listItemsi : ('a, 'b) map -> ('a obj * 'b) list

val listKeys : ('a, 'b) map -> 'a obj list

val collate : ('b * 'b -> order) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'b) map) -> order

val unionWith  : ('b * 'b -> 'b) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'b) map)
      -> ('a, 'b) map
val unionWithi : ('a obj * 'b * 'b -> 'b) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'b) map)
      -> ('a, 'b) map

val intersectWith  : ('b * 'c -> 'd) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'c) map)
      -> ('a, 'd) map
val intersectWithi : ('a obj * 'b * 'c -> 'd) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'c) map)
      -> ('a, 'd) map

val mergeWith : ('b option * 'c option -> 'd option)
      -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'c) map) -> ('a, 'd) map
val mergeWithi : ('a obj * 'b option * 'c option -> 'd option)
      -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'c) map) -> ('a, 'd) map

val app  : ('b -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) map -> unit
val appi : (('a obj * 'b) -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) map -> unit

val map  : ('b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'c) map
val mapi : ('a obj * 'b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'c) map

val fold  : ('b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('a, 'b) map -> 'c
val foldi : ('a obj * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('a, 'b) map -> 'c

val filter  : ('b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'b) map
val filteri : ('a obj * 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'b) map

val mapPartial  : ('b -> 'c option) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'c) map
val mapPartiali : ('a obj * 'b -> 'c option) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'c) map

val exists : ('b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> bool
val existsi : ('a obj * 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> bool

val all : ('b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> bool
val alli : ('a obj * 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> bool


In the description of operations below, we write \(\mathbf{dom}(m)\) for the domain of the map \(m\) (i.e, the set of keys for which \(m\) is defined), and \(\mathbf{rng}(m)\) for its range (i.e., the set \(\{ m(k)\;|\;k \in \mathbf{dom}(m) \}\)). It is also useful to view a map as the set of key-value pairs \(\{ (k, m(k))\;|\;k \in \mathbf{dom}(m) \}\), which we call the items of \(m\).

type 'a obj = 'a HashCons.obj

Hash-consed objects are the search keys for the finite maps.

type ('a, 'b) map

A finite map from 'a obj values to 'b values.

val empty : ('a, 'b) map

The empty map.

val singleton : ('a obj * 'b) -> ('a, 'b) map

singleton (obj, v) creates the singleton map that maps obj to v.

val insert : ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj * 'b -> ('a, 'b) map

insert (m, obj, v) adds the mapping from obj to v to m. This mapping overrides any previous mapping from obj.

val insert' : (('a obj * 'b) * ('a, 'b) map) -> ('a, 'b) map

insert' ((obj, v), map) adds the mapping from obj to v to m. This mapping overrides any previous mapping from obj.

val insertWith : (('b * 'b) -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj * 'b -> ('a, 'b) map

insertWith comb (m, obj, v) adds the mapping from obj to value to m, where value = comb(v', v), if m already contained a mapping from obj to v'; otherwise, value = v.

val insertWithi : (('a obj * 'b * 'b) -> 'b) -> ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj * 'b -> ('a, 'b) map

insertWithi comb (m, obj, v) adds the mapping from obj to value to m, where value = comb(obj, v', v), if m already contained a mapping from obj to v'; otherwise, value = v.

val find : ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj -> 'b option

find (m, obj) returns SOME v, if m maps obj to v and NONE otherwise.

val lookup : ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj -> 'b

lookup (m, obj) returns v, if m maps obj to v; otherwise it raises the exception NotFound.

val inDomain : (('a, 'b) map * 'a obj) -> bool

inDomain (m, obj) returns true if obj is in the domain of m.

val remove : ('a, 'b) map * 'a obj -> ('a, 'b) map * 'b

remove (m, obj) returns the pair (m', v), if m maps obj to v and where m' is m with obj removed from its domain. If obj is not in the domain of m, then it raises the exception NotFound.

val isEmpty : ('a, 'b) map -> bool

isEmpty m returns true if, and only if, m is empty.

val numItems : ('a, 'b) map -> int

numItems m returns the size of m's domain.

val listItems : ('a, 'b) map -> 'b list

listItems m returns a list of the values in the range of m. Note that this list will contain duplicates when multiple keys in m's domain map to the same value.

val listKeys : ('a, 'b) map -> 'a obj list

listKeys m returns a list of the objects in the domain of m.

val listItemsi : ('a, 'b) map -> ('a obj * 'b) list

listItemsi m returns a list of (obj, v) pairs, where m maps obj to v.

val collate : ('b * 'b -> order) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'b) map) -> order

collate cmpV (m1, m2) returns the order of the two maps, where cmpV is used to compare the values in the domain.

val unionWith : ('b * 'b -> 'b) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'b) map) -> ('a, 'b) map

unionWith comb (m1, m2) returns the union of the two maps, using the function comb to combine values when there is a collision of keys. More formally, this expression returns the map

\[ \begin{array}{l} \{ (k, \mathtt{m1}(k)) \;|\;k \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m1}) \setminus \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m2}) \} \cup \\ \{ (k, \mathtt{m2}(k)) \;|\;k \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m2}) \setminus \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m1}) \} \cup \\ \{ (k, \mathtt{comb}(\mathtt{m1}(k), \mathtt{m2}(k)) \;|\;k \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m1}) \cap \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m2}) \} \end{array}\]

For example, we could implement a multiset of objects by mapping objects to their multiplicity. Then, the union of two multisets could be defined by

fun union (ms1, ms2) = unionWith Int.+ (ms1, ms2)
val unionWithi : ('a obj * 'b * 'b -> 'b) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'b) map) -> ('a, 'b) map

unionWithi comb (m1, m2) returns the union of the two maps, using the function comb to combine values when there is a collision of keys. More formally, this expression returns the map

\[ \begin{array}{l} \{ (k, \mathtt{m1}(k)) \;|\;k \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m1}) \setminus \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m2}) \} \cup \\ \{ (k, \mathtt{m2}(k)) \;|\;k \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m2}) \setminus \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m1}) \} \cup \\ \{ (k, \mathtt{comb}(k, \mathtt{m1}(k), \mathtt{m2}(k)) \;|\;k \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m1}) \cap \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m2}) \} \end{array}\]
val intersectWith : ('b * 'c -> 'd) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'c) map) -> ('a, 'd) map

intersectWith comb (m1, m2) returns the intersection of the two maps, where the values in the range are a computed by applying the function comb to the values from the two maps. More formally, this expression returns the map

\[ \{ (k, \mathtt{comb}(\mathtt{m1}(k), \mathtt{m2}(k)) \;|\;k \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m1}) \cap \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m2}) \}\]
val intersectWithi : ('a obj * 'b * 'c -> 'd) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'c) map) -> ('a, 'd) map

intersectWithi comb (m1, m2) returns the intersection of the two maps, where the values in the range are a computed by applying the function comb to the kay and the values from the two maps. More formally, this expression returns the map

\[ \{ (k, \mathtt{comb}(k, \mathtt{m1}(k), \mathtt{m2}(k)) \;|\;k \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m1}) \cap \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m2}) \}\]
val mergeWith : ('b option * 'c option -> 'd option) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'c) map) -> ('a, 'd) map

mergeWith comb (m1, m2) merges the two maps using the function comb as a decision procedure for adding elements to the new map. For each object \(\mathtt{obj} \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m1}) \cup \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m2})\), we evaluate comb(optV1, optV2), where optV1 is SOME v if \((\mathtt{obj}, \mathtt{v}) \in \mathtt{m1}\) and is NONE if latexmath:[\mathtt{obj} \not\in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m1}); likewise for optV2. If comb(optV1, optV2) returns SOME v', then we add (obj, v') to the result.

The mergeWith function is a generalization of the unionWith and intersectionWith functions.

val mergeWithi : ('a obj * 'b option * 'c option -> 'd option) -> (('a, 'b) map * ('a, 'c) map) -> ('a, 'd) map

mergeWithi comb (m1, m2) merges the two maps using the function comb as a decision procedure for adding elements to the new map. The difference between this function and mergeWith is that the comb function takes the key value in addition to the optional values from the range.

val app : ('b -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) map -> unit

app f m applies the function f to the values in the range of m.

val appi : (('a obj * 'b) -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) map -> unit

appi f map applies the function f to the key-value pairs that define m.

val map : ('b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'c) map

map f m creates a new finite map m' by applying the function f to the values in the range of m. Thus, if \((\mathtt{obj}, \mathtt{v}) \in \mathtt{m}\), then (obj, f v) will be in m'.

val mapi : ('a obj * 'b -> 'c) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'c) map

mapi f m creates a new finite map m' by applying the function f to the key-value pairs of m. Thus, if \((\mathtt{obj}, \mathtt{v}) \in \mathtt{m}\), then (obj, f(obj, v)) will be in m'.

val fold : ('b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('a, 'b) map -> 'c

fold f init m folds the function f over the range of m using init as the initial value.

val foldi : ('a obj * 'b * 'c -> 'c) -> 'c -> ('a, 'b) map -> 'c

foldi f init m folds the function f over the key-value pairs in m using init as the initial value.

val filter : ('b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'b) map

filter pred m filters out those items (obj, v) from m, such that pred v returns false. More formally, this expression returns the map \(\{ (\mathtt{obj}, \mathtt{v})\;|\;\mathtt{obj} \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m}) \wedge \mathtt{pred}(\mathtt{v}) \}\).

val filteri : ('a obj * 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'b) map

filteri pred m filters out those items (obj, v) from m, such that pred(obj, v) returns false. More formally, this expression returns the map \(\{ (\mathtt{obj}, \mathtt{v})\;|\;\mathtt{obj} \in \mathbf{dom}(\mathtt{m}) \wedge \mathtt{pred}(\mathtt{obj}, \mathtt{v}) \}\).

val mapPartial : ('b -> 'c option) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'c) map

mapPartial f m maps the partial function f over the items of m. More formally, this expression returns the map

\[ \{ (k, v') \;|\; (k, v) \in \mathtt{m} \wedge \mathtt{f}(v) = \mathtt{SOME}(v') \}\]
val mapPartiali : ('a obj * 'b -> 'c option) -> ('a, 'b) map -> ('a, 'c) map

mapPartiali f m maps the partial function f over the items of m. More formally, this expression returns the map

\[ \{ (k, v') \;|\; (k, v) \in \mathtt{m} \wedge \mathtt{f}(k, v) = \mathtt{SOME}(v') \}\]
val exists : ('b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> bool

exists pred m returns true if, and only if, there exists an item \((\mathtt{obj}, \mathtt{v}) \in \mathtt{m}\), such that pred v returns true.

val existsi : ('a obj * 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> bool

exists pred m returns true if, and only if, there exists an item \((\mathtt{obj}, \mathtt{v}) \in \mathtt{m}\), such that pred(obj, v) returns true.

val all : ('b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> bool

all pred m returns true if, and only if, pred v returns true for all items \((\mathtt{obj}, \mathtt{v}) \in \mathtt{m}\).

val alli : ('a obj * 'b -> bool) -> ('a, 'b) map -> bool

all pred m returns true if, and only if, pred(obj, v) returns true for all items \((\mathtt{obj}, \mathtt{v}) \in \mathtt{m}\).