The JSONUtil
module defines a collection of utility functions for
working with JSON values. These include operations for testing
if a value is of a given type and navigating the structure of a
JSON value.
structure JSONUtil
exception JSONError of exn * JSON.value
exception NotBool
exception NotInt
exception NotNumber
exception NotString
exception NotObject
exception FieldNotFound of string
exception NotArray
exception ArrayBounds of int
exception ElemNotFound
val exnMessage : exn -> string
val asBool : JSON.value -> bool
val asInt : JSON.value ->
val asIntInf : JSON.value ->
val asNumber : JSON.value -> Real.real
val asString : JSON.value -> string
val findField : JSON.value -> string -> JSON.value option
val lookupField : JSON.value -> string -> JSON.value
val hasField : string -> JSON.value -> bool
val testField : string -> (JSON.value -> bool) -> JSON.value -> bool
val asArray : JSON.value -> JSON.value vector
val arrayMap : (JSON.value -> 'a) -> JSON.value -> 'a list
datatype edge
= SEL of string
| SUB of int
| FIND of JSON.value -> bool
type path = edge list
val get : JSON.value * path -> JSON.value
val replace : JSON.value * path * JSON.value -> JSON.value
val insert : JSON.value * path * string * JSON.value -> JSON.value
val append : JSON.value * path * JSON.value list -> JSON.value
exception JSONError of exn * JSON.value
raised when an error is detected during processing of a JSON value. The first argument, which is one of the exceptions described below, details the type of error and the second argument is the value that was being processed at the point of the error.
exception NotBool of JSON.value
used by the
function when the argument is not a JSON boolean. exception NotInt of JSON.value
used by the
functions when the argument is not a JSON integer number. exception NotNumber of JSON.value
used by the
function when the argument is not a JSON number. exception NotString of JSON.value
used by the
function when the argument is not a JSON string. exception NotObject of JSON.value
used by the
functions when the argument is not a JSON object. exception FieldNotFound of JSON.value * string
This exception is used when the given field is not found in an object.
exception NotArray of JSON.value
This exception is used when trying to process a non-array value as an array.
exception ArrayBounds of JSON.value * int
This exception is used when access to an array value is out of bounds.
exception ElemNotFound of JSON.value
This exception is used when there is no element of an array that satisfies the predicate of a
edge in a path. The argument will be the array in question. val exnMessage : exn -> string
exnMessage exn
returns an error-message string for the exception valueexn
. This function produces specialized messages for theJSONError
wrapped around the other exceptions defined in this structure (or theFail
exception). It falls back to the General.exnMessage function for other exceptions. val asBool : JSON.value -> bool
asBool (JSON.BOOL b)
returns the valueb
. This function raises the exception valueJSONError(NotBool, jv)
if the argumentjv
is not a JSON boolean value. val asInt : JSON.value -> int
asInt (JSON.INT n)
returns the valuen
converted toint
. This function raises the exception valueJSONError(NotInt, jv)
if the argumentjv
is not a JSON integer value. It may also raise the exception valueJSONError(Overflow, jv)
is too large for the defaultint
type. val asIntInf : JSON.value ->
asIntInf (JSON.INT n)
returns the valuen
. This function raises the exception valueJSONError(NotInt, jv)
if the argumentjv
is not a JSON integer value. val asNumber : JSON.value -> Real.real
asNumber jv
converts the JSON numberjv
to an SMLreal
value. Thejv
argument can either have the formJSON.INT n
, in which casen
is converted to thereal
type and returned, orJSON.FLOAT f
, in which casef
is returned; otherwise, the exception valueJSONError(NotNumber, jv)
is raised. val asString : JSON.value -> string
asBool (JSON.STRING s)
returns the values
. This function raises the exception valueJSONError(NotString, jv)
if the argumentjv
is not a JSON string. val findField : JSON.value -> string -> JSON.value option
findField (JSON.OBJECT flds) key
returnsSOME jv
when the list of fieldsflds
contains(key, jv)
otherwise. IffindField
is called on a valuev
that is not a JSON object, then it raises the exception valueJSONError(NotObject, v)
val lookupField : JSON.value -> string -> JSON.value
lookupField (JSON.OBJECT flds) key
when the list of fieldsflds
contains(key, jv)
and raises the exception valueJSONError(FieldNotFound key, v)
otherwise. IflookupField
is called on a valuev
that is not a JSON object, then it raises the exception valueJSONError(NotObject, v)
. val hasField : string -> JSON.value -> bool
hasField key v
when the valuev
is a JSON object that has a field withkey
as its label andfalse
otherwise. val testField : string -> (JSON.value -> bool) -> JSON.value -> bool
testField key pred v
returns the result ofpred jv
when the valuev
is a JSON object that contains(key, jv)
. It returnsfalse
otherwise. val asArray : JSON.value -> JSON.value vector
asArray jv
converts the JSON array valuejv
to an SML vector value. It raises the exception valueJSONError(NotArray, jv)
is not a JSON array. val arrayMap : (JSON.value -> 'a) -> JSON.value -> 'a list
map a conversion function over a JSON array to produce a list; this function raises the exception value
JSONError(NotArray, v)
if the second argumentv
is not an array. datatype edge = …
specifies an edge of a path into a JSON value. The constructors have the following meaning:
SEL of string
SEL key
specifies the value labeled bykey
in a JSON object. SUB of int
specifies thei
th element of a JSON array. FIND of JSON.value -> bool
FIND pred
specifies the first element of a JSON array that satisfies the given predicate.
type path = edge list
specifies a path into a JSON value.
val get : JSON.value * path -> JSON.value
get (jv, path)
returns the component ofjv
named bypath
. It raises theJSONError
exception if there is an inconsistency between the path and the structure ofjv
. The first argument to theJSONError
exception will be one of theNotObject
, orElemNotFound