The ControlSet structure

The ControlSet structure provides facilities for managing sets of controls, with associated information, by name.


signature CONTROL_SET
structure ControlSet : CONTROL_SET


type 'a control = 'a Controls.control
type ('a, 'b) control_set

val new : unit -> ('a, 'b) control_set

val member : (('a, 'b) control_set * Atom.atom) -> bool
val find   : (('a, 'b) control_set * Atom.atom)
      -> {ctl : 'a control, info : 'b} option
val insert : (('a, 'b) control_set * 'a control * 'b) -> unit
val remove : (('a, 'b) control_set * Atom.atom) -> unit
val infoOf : ('a, 'b) control_set -> 'a control -> 'b option

val listControls : ('a, 'b) control_set -> {ctl : 'a control, info : 'b} list
val listControls' : (('a, 'b) control_set * int) -> {ctl : 'a control, info : 'b} list

val app : ({ctl : 'a control, info : 'b} -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) control_set -> unit

val stringControls : 'a Controls.value_cvt -> ('a, 'b) control_set
      -> (string, 'b) control_set


type ('a, 'b) control_set

The abstract type of control set, where the first type parameter is the value-type of the controls in the set and the second is the type of the information associated with each control.

val new : unit -> ('a, 'b) control_set

new () creates a new, empty, set of controls.

val member : (('a, 'b) control_set * Atom.atom) -> bool

member (ctlSet, name) returns true if there is a control with the given name in the set.

val find : (('a, 'b) control_set * Atom.atom) -> {ctl : 'a control, info : 'b} option

find (ctsSet, name) returns SOME{ctl, info} when the control ctl, which has the name name is in the set and info is its associated information. Otherwise, NONE is returned.

val insert : (('a, 'b) control_set * 'a control * 'b) -> unit

insert (ctsSet, ctl, info) inserts the control ctl with associated information into into the control set.

val remove : (('a, 'b) control_set * Atom.atom) -> unit

remove (ctlSet, name) removes the named control from the set (if it is present).

val infoOf : ('a, 'b) control_set -> 'a control -> 'b option

infoOf ctlSet ctl returns SOME info, when ctl is in the set with associated information info. If ctl is not in the set, then NONE is returned.

val listControls : ('a, 'b) control_set -> {ctl : 'a control, info : 'b} list

listControls ctlSet returns a list of the controls in the set ordered by priority.

val listControls' : (('a, 'b) control_set * int) -> {ctl : 'a control, info : 'b} list

listControls (ctlSet, level) returns a list of the controls in the set ordered by priority, but omits any controls with an obscurity level greater or equal to level.

val app : ({ctl : 'a control, info : 'b} -> unit) -> ('a, 'b) control_set -> unit

app f ctlSet applies the function f to the controls (and their associated information). The order in which f is applied is unspecified.

val stringControls : 'a Controls.value_cvt -> ('a, 'b) control_set -> (string, 'b) control_set

stringControls cvt ctlSet returns a set of string controls, where the controls in the new set are created by applying the value-converter cvt to the controls in ctlSet. The associated information is preserved.