The ControlUtil structure

The ControlUtil structure provides some utility functions for defining controls.


signature CONTROL_UTIL
structure ControlUtil : CONTROL_UTIL


structure Cvt : sig
    val int : int Controls.value_cvt
    val bool : bool Controls.value_cvt
    val real : real Controls.value_cvt

    val stringList : string list Controls.value_cvt

    val string : string Controls.value_cvt

structure EnvName : sig
    val toUpper : string -> string -> string


structure Cvt

The ControlUtil.Cvt structure provides some common value-conversion functions.

val int : int Controls.value_cvt

A value converter for the int type.

val bool : bool Controls.value_cvt

A value converter for the bool type. This converter is case-insensitive, and accepts "yes" for true and "no" for false.

val real : real Controls.value_cvt

A value converter for the real type.

val stringList : string list Controls.value_cvt

A value converter for the comma-separated lists of strings.

val string : string Controls.value_cvt

A value converter for the string type. This converter is just the identity.

structure EnvName

val toUpper : string -> string -> string

toUpper prefix s returns the string prefix ^ s', where s' is the string s with lower-case letters converted to upper-case and any occurrences of the minus character converted to the underscore character.