The UnixPath structure

The UnixPath structure provides support for searching for files in the Unix file system using a list of possible locations.

Note that this module is largely superseded by the PathUtil module in the Util Library.


signature UNIX_PATH
structure UnixPath : UNIX_PATH


type path_list = string list

val getPath : unit -> path_list

datatype access_mode = datatype OS.FileSys.access_mode
datatype file_type = F_REGULAR | F_DIR | F_SYMLINK | F_SOCK | F_CHR | F_BLK

val findFile : (path_list * access_mode list) -> string -> string option

val findFiles : (path_list * access_mode list) -> string -> string list

val findFileOfType : (path_list * file_type * access_mode list) -> string -> string option

val findFilesOfType : (path_list * file_type * access_mode list) -> string -> string list


type path_list = string list

A list of file-system paths that is used to search for files.

val getPath : unit -> path_list

getPath () return’s the value of the user’s PATH shell variable as a path_list.

datatype access_mode = datatype OS.FileSys.access_mode

Rebind the file-system access-mode constructors.

datatype file_type = F_REGULAR | F_DIR | F_SYMLINK | F_SOCK | F_CHR | F_BLK

The different types of file-system objects in Unix.

val findFile : (path_list * access_mode list) -> string -> string option

findFile (paths, mode) name returns SOME path, where path is a string of the form "p/name" and p is the first string in paths such that path has the given access modes (the empty list of access modes is used to test for existence). If no such file exists, then NONE is returned.

val findFiles : (path_list * access_mode list) -> string -> string list

findFiles (paths, mode) name returns a list of strings, such that each string s in the result has the form "p/name" with p in paths and the file named by path has the specified access modes.

val findFileOfType : (path_list * file_type * access_mode list) -> string -> string option

findFileOfType (paths, ftype, mode) name returns the SOME path, where path is a string of the form "p/name" and p is the first string in paths such that path has the given access modes (the empty list of access modes is used to test for existence) and is of the specified file type. If no such file exists, then NONE is returned.

val findFilesOfType : (path_list * file_type * access_mode list) -> string -> string list

findFilesOfType (paths, mode) name returns a list of strings, such that each string s in the result has the form "p/name" with p in paths and the file named by path has the specified access modes and is of the specified file type.