The PathUtil structure

The PathUtil structure provides support for searching for files in the file system using a list of possible locations. It is implemented using the SML Basis Library portable file-system mechanisms and, thus, it itself portable across different operating systems.


signature PATH_UTIL
structure PathUtil : PATH_UTIL


val findFile : string list -> string -> string option

val findFiles : string list -> string -> string list

val existsFile : (string -> bool) -> string list -> string -> string option

val allFiles : (string -> bool) -> string list -> string -> string list

val findExe : string list -> string -> string option


val findFile : string list -> string -> string option

findFile paths name returns SOME path, where path is a string of the form "p/name" and p is the first string in paths such that path exists. If no such file exists, then NONE is returned. If name is an absolute path, then SOME name is returned if it exists.

val findFiles : string list -> string -> string list

findFiles (paths, mode) name returns a list of strings, such that each string s in the result has the form "p/name" with p in paths and the file named by path existing in the file system.

val existsFile : (string -> bool) -> string list -> string -> string option

existsFile pred paths name returns SOME path, where path is a string of the form "p/name" and p is the first string in paths such that path exists and that pred path returns true. If no such file exists, then NONE is returned. If name is an absolute path, then SOME name is returned if it exists and satisfies the predicate.

val allFiles : (string -> bool) -> string list -> string -> string list

allFiles pred paths name returns a list of strings, such that each string s in the result has the form "p/name" with p in paths, the file named by path existing in the file system, and pred path returns true. The order of the path list is preserved in the result. If name is an absolute path, then the list [name] is returned if name exists and satisfies the predicate.

val findExe : string list -> string -> string option

findExe paths name searches paths for an executable file with the given name. This expression is equivalent to

existsFile (fn p => OS.FileSys.access(p, [OS.FileSys.A_EXEC])) paths name