The Random structure

The Random structure implements a random number generator using the Mersenne Twister algorithm. The implementation is specialized to the native word size.

Note that prior to 2023.1 (and 110.99.4), this structure was implemented using a subtract-with-borrow algorithm.


structure Random :> RANDOM


type rand

val rand : (int * int) -> rand

val fromList : NativeWord.word list -> rand

val toBytes : rand -> Word8Vector.vector
val fromBytes : Word8Vector.vector -> rand

val toString : rand -> string
val fromString : string -> rand

val randNativeInt : rand ->

val randNativeWord : rand -> NativeWord.word

val randInt : rand -> int

val randWord : rand -> int

val randNat : rand -> int

val randReal : rand -> real

val randRange : (int * int) -> rand -> int


type rand

Represents the internal state of a random number generator.

val rand : (int * int) -> rand

rand (n1, n2) creates a random number generator from the initial seed specified by the pair (n1, n2). This function is kept for backward compatibility with the old implementation, but it is recommended that one use the fromList function in new code.

val fromList : NativeWord.word list -> rand

creates a random number generator from the given list of initial seeds.

val toBytes : rand -> Word8Vector.vector

toBytes rand returns a byte vector representing the current state of the generator.

val fromBytes : Word8Vector.vector -> rand

fromBytes bv creates a generator with the initial state that was encoded in the byte vector bv. This expression will raise Fail exception if the byte vector is invalid.

val toString : rand -> string

toString rand returns a string representing the random-number-generator state rand. This string is a Base64 encoding of the result of toBytes rand.

val fromString : string -> rand

fromString s returns the random-number-generator encoded as the string s (presumably generated by toString). This expression will raise Fail exception if the string s does not have the proper form.

val randNativeWord : rand -> NativeWord.word

randNativeWord rand generates a uniform random number in the range \([0 .. 2^k-1\)], where \(k\) is the host platform’s native word size (e.g., 32 or 64).

val randNativeInt : rand ->

randNativeInt rand generates a random word a uniform distribution in the range \([0 .. 2^{k-1}-1\)], where \(k\) is the host platform’s native word size (e.g., 32 or 64).

val randInt : rand -> int

randInt rand generates a random integer with a uniform distribution in the range \([-2^{k-1} .. 2^{k-1}-1\)], where \(k\) is the host platform’s default word size (e.g., 31 or 63).

val randWord : rand -> word

randWord rand generates a random word with a uniform distribution in the range \([0 .. 2^k-1\)], where \(k\) is the host platform’s default word size (e.g., 31 or 63).

val randNat : rand -> int

randNat rand generates a random integer with a uniform distribution in the range \([0 .. 2^{k-1}-1\)], where \(k\) is the host platform’s default word size (e.g., 31 or 63).

val randReal : rand -> real

randReal rand generates a random real number in the range [0..1).

val randRange : (int * int) -> rand -> int

randRange (lo, hi) rand generates a random number in the [lo..hi]. This function will raise the Fail exception if hi < lo.