The FNVHash structure

The FNVHash structure provides an implementation of the Fowler-Noll-Vo (FNV) hashing algorithm (specifically the 64-bit FNV-1a algorithm).


structure FNVHash


val offsetBasis : Word64.word

val hashByte : Word8.word * Word64.word -> Word64.word
val hashChar : char * Word64.word -> Word64.word

val hashString : string -> word
val hashSubstring : substring -> word


val offsetBasis : Word64.word

The offsetBasis should be used as the initial value when using hashByte and/or hashChar to incrementally hash a data value.

val hashByte : Word8.word * Word64.word -> Word64.word

hashByte (b, h) computes one step of the FNV hashing algorithm for byte b and initial hash value h.

val hashChar : char * Word64.word -> Word64.word

hashByte (c, h) computes one step of the FNV hashing algorithm for character c and initial hash value h.

val hashString : string -> word

hashString s returns the hash of the given string. It is equivalent to the expression

CharVector.foldl hashChar offsetBasis s
val hashSubstring : substring -> word

hashSubstring ss returns the hash of the given substring. It is equivalent to the expression

Substring.foldl hashChar offsetBasis ss

See Also