The URef structure

The URef structure provides mutable references with Union-Find semantics. The interface is similar to that of references, but adds operations to union two references together. When two uref values are joined by one of the union operations, they become equal (and, thus, their contents will be equal too).

The original design and implementation of this module was by Fritz Henglein.


signature UREF
structure URef : UREF


type 'a uref

val uRef: 'a -> 'a uref

val equal: 'a uref * 'a uref -> bool

val !! : 'a uref -> 'a

val update : 'a uref * 'a -> unit

val unify : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a uref * 'a uref -> bool

val union : 'a uref * 'a uref -> bool

val link : 'a uref * 'a uref -> bool


type 'a uref

The type constructor for union-find references.

val uRef: 'a -> 'a uref

uRef v creates a new reference with contents v.

val equal: 'a uref * 'a uref -> bool

equal (ur1, ur2) returns true if, and only if, ur1 and ur2 were created by the same call to uRef or if they have been unioned by a link, union, or unify operation.

val !! : 'a uref -> 'a

!! ur returns the contents of ur.

val update : 'a uref * 'a -> unit

update (ur, v) updates the contents of ur to be v.

val unify : ('a * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a uref * 'a uref -> bool

unify f (ur1, ur2) unions ur1 and ur2 (i.e., after this call, the expression equal(r1, ur2) will return true) and returns true if they were not equal prior to the call to unify. The contents of the unioned reference is set to f (v1, v2), where v1 (resp. v2) was the contents of ur1 (resp. ur2) prior to the call to unify.

val union : 'a uref * 'a uref -> bool

union (ur1, ur2) unions ur1 and ur2 (i.e., after this call, the expression equal(r1, ur2) will return true) and returns true if they were not equal prior to the call to union. The contents of the unioned reference is set to one of v1 or v2, where v1 (resp. v2) was the contents of ur1 (resp. ur2) prior to the call to union.

See Also