The PropList structure

The PropList structure provides a extensible, but type safe, implementation of property lists.


structure PropList


type holder

val newHolder : unit -> holder

val hasProps : holder -> bool

val clearHolder : holder -> unit

val sameHolder : (holder * holder) -> bool

val newProp : (('a -> holder) * ('a -> 'b)) -> {
        peekFn : 'a -> 'b option,
        getFn  : 'a -> 'b,
        setFn  : ('a * 'b) -> unit,
        clrFn  : 'a -> unit

val newFlag : ('a -> holder) -> {
        getFn : 'a -> bool,
        setFn : ('a * bool) -> unit


type holder

The type of a property-list container.

val newHolder : unit -> holder

newHolder () creates a new property-list holder.

val hasProps : holder -> bool

hasProps holder return true if, and only if, the holder contains properties (including set flags).

val clearHolder : holder -> unit

clearHolder holder removes all properties and flags from the holder.

val sameHolder : (holder * holder) -> bool

sameHolder (holder1, holder2) returns true if, and only if, the two holders are the same.

val newProp : 'a -> holder) * ('a -> 'b -> { …​ }

newProp (getHolder, init) creates a new property of type 'b associated with values of type 'a, where getHolder is a function for getting the holder from a value and init is a function for defining the initial value of the property for a value. The property is represented by a record of operations, which are as follows:

peekFn : 'a -> 'b option

peekFn obj returns SOME v, where v is the value of the property for obj. If the property has not been set for obj, then NONE is returned.

getFn : 'a -> 'b

getFn obj returns the value of the property for obj. If the property has not been set for obj, then the init function is used to set the initial value of the property.

setFn: ('a * 'b) -> unit

setFn (obj, v) sets the value of the property to v for obj.

clrFn : 'a -> unit

clrFn obj removes the property from obj.

val newFlag : ('a -> holder) -> { …​ }

newFlag getHolder creates a new boolean property for values of type 'a. The property is represented by a record of two functions:

getFn : 'a -> bool

getFn obj returns the value of the flag for obj.

setFn : ('a * bool) -> unit

setFn (obj, b) sets the value of the flag to b for obj.

Flags represent boolean properties in a way that is more space efficient than using newProp. Basically, a true value is represented by the presence of the property in the holder, while false is represented by its absence. This representation affects the behavior of hasProps as flags that are false are not counted.


A common use of property lists is to provide a mechanism for attaching attributes to existing types. For example, we might define a representation of variables in a compiler as:

datatype var = V of {
    name : string,
    props : PropList.holder

We might define a use count property as follows:

  val {getFn, setFn, ...} = PropList.newProp (
        fn (V{props, ...}) => props,
        fn _ => 0)
fun use x = setFn(x, getFn x + 1)
fun countOf x = getFn x

See Also