The Fifo structure

The Fifo structure provides a functional queue data structure, which are implemented as a pair of stacks (lists) representing the front and rear of the queue. Single-threaded enqueuing and dequeuing operations will have amortized constant time.


signature FIFO
structure Fifo :> FIFO


type 'a fifo

exception Dequeue

val empty : 'a fifo
val isEmpty : 'a fifo -> bool
val enqueue : 'a fifo * 'a -> 'a fifo
val dequeue : 'a fifo -> 'a fifo * 'a
val next : 'a fifo -> ('a * 'a fifo) option
val delete : ('a fifo * ('a -> bool)) -> 'a fifo
val head : 'a fifo -> 'a
val peek : 'a fifo -> 'a option
val length : 'a fifo -> int
val contents : 'a fifo -> 'a list
val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a fifo -> unit
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a fifo -> 'b fifo
val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a fifo -> 'b
val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a fifo -> 'b


type 'a fifo

The type constructor for functional queues.

exception Dequeue

This exceptions is raised when the dequeue function is applied to an empty queue.

val empty : 'a fifo

The empty queue.

val isEmpty : 'a fifo -> bool

ifEmpty q returns true if the queue is empty.

val enqueue : 'a fifo * 'a -> 'a fifo

enqueue (q, x) returns a queue with x added to the end.

val dequeue : 'a fifo -> 'a fifo * 'a

dequeue q returns a pair (q', x), where x was the first element in q and q' is the queue with x removed. This function raises the Dequeue exception if it is called on an empty queue.

val next : 'a fifo -> ('a * 'a fifo) option

next q returns SOME(q', x), where x was the first element in q and q' is the queue with x removed, or NONE if q is empty.

val delete : ('a fifo * ('a -> bool)) -> 'a fifo

delete (q, pred) removes those items from q for which the function pred returns true and returns the resulting queue.

val head : 'a fifo -> 'a

head q returns the first element of q or raises the exception Dequeue if q is empty.

val peek : 'a fifo -> 'a option

peek q returns SOME x, where x is the first element of q, or NONE if q is empty.

val length : 'a fifo -> int

length q returns the number of elements in the queue.

val contents : 'a fifo -> 'a list

contents q returns the contents of q as a list.

val app : ('a -> unit) -> 'a fifo -> unit

app f q applies the function f to the elements of q. This expression is equivalent to f (contents q)
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a fifo -> 'b fifo

map f q returns the queue that results from mapping the function f across the elements of the queue.

val foldl : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a fifo -> 'b

foldl f init q folds the function f over the elements of q from front to back. This expression is equivalent to

List.foldl f init (contents q)
val foldr : ('a * 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> 'a fifo -> 'b

foldr f init q folds the function f over the elements of q from back to front. This expression is equivalent to

List.foldr f init (contents q)