The IntervalSetFn functor

The IntervalSetFn functor provides sets over a discrete ordered domain, where the sets are represented by intervals. It is meant for representing dense sets (e.g., unicode character classes).


signature INTERVAL_SET
functor IntervalSetFn (D : INTERVAL_DOMAIN) : INTERVAL_SET

Functor Argument Description


The argument defines the type of points in the domain and their order structure.



type item = D.point
type interval = (item * item)
type set

val empty : set
val universe : set

val singleton : item -> set

val interval : item * item -> set

val isEmpty : set -> bool
val isUniverse : set -> bool

val member : set * item -> bool

val items : set -> item list

val intervals : set -> interval list

val add : set * item -> set
val add' : item * set -> set

val addInt : set * interval -> set
val addInt' : interval * set -> set

val complement : set -> set
val union : (set * set) -> set
val intersect : (set * set) -> set
val difference : (set * set) -> set

val app    : (item -> unit) -> set -> unit
val foldl  : (item * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> set -> 'a
val foldr  : (item * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> set -> 'a
val filter : (item -> bool) -> set -> set
val exists : (item -> bool) -> set -> bool
val all    : (item -> bool) -> set -> bool

val appInt    : (interval -> unit) -> set -> unit
val foldlInt  : (interval * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> set -> 'a
val foldrInt  : (interval * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> set -> 'a
val filterInt : (interval -> bool) -> set -> set
val existsInt : (interval -> bool) -> set -> bool
val allInt    : (interval -> bool) -> set -> bool

val compare : set * set -> order
val isSubset : set * set -> bool

Interface Description


The argument structure.

type item = D.point

The type of items in the set.

type interval = (item * item)

A collection of items defined by an interval.

type set

The type of a set of items.

val empty : set

The empty set.

val universe : set

The set of all elements in the domain, which is specified as the interval (D.minPt, D.maxPt).

val singleton : item -> set

singleton item returns the singleton set containing item.

val fromList : item list -> set

fromList items returns the set containing the list of items.

val interval : item * item -> set

singleton (pt1, pt2) returns a set containing the items between the items pt1 and pt2 (as ordered by This expression raises the Domain exception if, pt2) = GREATER.

val isEmpty : set -> bool

isEmpty set returns true if, and only if, set is empty.

val isUniverse : set -> bool

isUniverse set returns true if, and only if, set contains all of the elements of the domain.

val member : set * item -> bool

isEmpty (set, item) returns true if, and only if, item is contained in set.

val toList : set -> item list

toList set returns a list of the items in set. The items will be sorted in increasing order.

val intervals : set -> interval list

intervals set returns a list of disjoint intervals that represents the set. The intervals will be sorted in increasing order.

val add : set * item -> set

add (set, item) adds item to set and returns the resulting set.

val add' : item * set -> set

add' (item, set) adds item to set and returns the resulting set.

(* add an interval to the set *)
val addInt : set * interval -> set

addInt (set, (pt1, pt2)) adds the items between the items pt1 and pt2 (as ordered by to set. This expression raises the Domain exception if, pt2) = GREATER.

val addInt' : interval * set -> set

addInt' ((pt1, pt2), set) adds the items between the items pt1 and pt2 (as ordered by to set. This expression raises the Domain exception if, pt2) = GREATER.

val complement : set -> set

complement set returns the complement of set (i.e., the set of items from the universe that are not in set).

val union : (set * set) -> set

union (set1, set2) returns the union of set1 and set2; (i.e., the set of items that are in set1 or in set2).

val intersect : (set * set) -> set

intersect (set1, set2) returns the intersection of set1 and set2; (i.e., the set of items that are in both set1 and`set2`).

val difference : (set * set) -> set

difference (set1, set2) returns the set difference of set1 and set2; (i.e., the set of items that are in set1, but not in set2).

val app : (item -> unit) -> set -> unit

app f set applies the function f to the items in set. This expression is equivalent to f (toList set)
val foldl : (item * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> set -> 'a

foldl f init set folds the function f over the items in set in increasing order using init as the initial value. This expression is equivalent to

List.foldl f init (toList set)
val foldr : (item * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> set -> 'a

foldr f init set folds the function f over the items in set in decreasing order using init as the initial value. This expression is equivalent to

List.foldr f init (toList set)
val filter : (item -> bool) -> set -> set

filter pred set filters out any items of set for which the predicate pred returns false.

val exists : (item -> bool) -> set -> bool

exists pred set returns true if, and only if, there is an item in the set for which pred returns true. This function short-circuits evaluation once an item is encountered for which pred returns true.

val all : (item -> bool) -> set -> bool

all pred set returns true if, and only if, pred returns true for all items in the set. This function short-circuits evaluation once an item is encountered for which pred returns false.

val appInt : (interval -> unit) -> set -> unit

appInt f set applies the function f to the intervals in set. This expression is equivalent to f (intervals set)
val foldlInt : (interval * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> set -> 'a

foldlInt f init set folds the function f over the intervals in set in increasing order using init as the initial value. This expression is equivalent to

List.foldl f init (intervals set)
val foldrInt : (interval * 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> set -> 'a

foldrInt f init set folds the function f over the intervals in set in decreasing order using init as the initial value. This expression is equivalent to

List.foldr f init (intervals set)
val filterInt : (interval -> bool) -> set -> set

filterInt pred set filters out any intervals of set for which the predicate pred returns false.

val existsInt : (interval -> bool) -> set -> bool

existsInt pred set returns true if, and only if, there is an interval in the set for which pred returns true. This function short-circuits evaluation once an interval is encountered for which pred returns true.

val allInt : (interval -> bool) -> set -> bool

allInt pred set returns true if, and only if, pred returns true for all of the intervals in the set. This function short-circuits evaluation once an interval is encountered for which pred returns false.

val compare : set * set -> order

compare (set1, set2) returns the lexical order of the two sets.

val isSubset : set * set -> bool

isSubset (set1, set2) returns true if, and only if, set1 is a subset of set2 (i.e., any element of set1 is an element of set2).

Deprecated functions

The following functions are part of the interface, but have been deprecated.

val items : set -> item list`

Use toList instead.